Hello there! We are so happy to have you checking out our little corner of the web! On our blog you may find photo-filled posts concerning inspiration of our interpretation of modest fashion, glimpses of our hobby farm, our this-and-that sewing adventures, and this life we are living only through the love of our risen Savior.
The main purpose of our Blog is to-uplift and encourage our brothers and sisters in the Lord in all purity. Whether that be our inward or outward appearance!
// A bit about each of us //

// Cassie //
Cassie is the eldest of the Shashaguay sisters.
She is a home-schooled graduate, but still loves to occupy her time with reading edifying books about herbal remedies, gardening, the Hebrew language, and home life.
Her topic of further study is her love for becoming a doula (midwife's assistant). And being able to take that knowledge wherever the Lord leads her with it.
She loves to be outdoors; taking time to smell the roses. She is in charge of heading up the family's garden each year.
She adores a great craft! Anything from sewing to letter writing or sock knitting, her mind will whiz away with the smallest of material or idea. Especially if the project can be conducted on her 1928 Damascus treadle sewing machine "Daisy".
She also loves anything with a vintage/antique flair. From dresses to undergarments, furnishings and books! Anything with a slightly rustic flair!
She loves to make up glorious hair styles from eras of past and present. She adores this "hobby" more than she can say.

// Rebekah //
Rebekah is the second eldest of the Shashaguay children and co-author here on the blog.
She is in high school this year and is happy for it! Her favorite things to study are biology and history, as she is an avid reader of most any book.
While on her free time you may find her playing with our animals, singing, reading, and practicing her newly found love, the piano. Photography is also one of her favorite pastimes; wandering the woods and the house for the perfect shot.
She likes to get the job done the old fashioned way, working hard.
As far as clothing goes, she enjoys the rustic flair of vintage eras, but she is beginning to develop her own (modest) style of the modern day trends.
// Our Family //
Now that you have met the authors of this blog, it is time that you
met the rest of our clan! We are a family of five children (plus two,
who have been called Home by our Heavenly Father), a Father who owns his
own construction business and a stay at home Mother who is our main
teacher as we homeschool throughout each day. We live in Michigan, in a small chunk of the Allegan County forest. Our backyard hobby farm is our way of rooting for homegrown foods as well as supporting local businesses. It is nothing compared to many, but we make the most of what the LORD has given us. It consists of a flock of ducks, chickens, our beloved hackney pony named Havah, usually a few milk goats and a house-rabbit fittingly named Mopsey, and a few roaming crazy cats.
// Our Faith //
believe in the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. He, loving the
world that had fallen in sin {which He had made perfect} so much, sent His
one and only Son to die in our place, saving us from the sins we committed
and their punishment of death.
We believe in the Trinity; God the Father, His Son, and the Holy Spirit.
would freely admit that they have been taught the "Old
Testament" and Laws given to Moses from God are forever finished,
especially for us "gentiles". Though, our family is coming to believe
that these things we have been taught are lies from the enemy,
throwing many off track for what the Father's plan really is for all
We're entering our third year in keeping the Holy Days that the Lord commanded the Israelites to follow. (Leviticus 23) We hope that you will join our journey as we continue to test everything, as we find out what is the truth according to the Word, and what the Father's will is for our family. In no ways are we now "Jewish" or have renounced our strong faith in our Messiah, Jesus (Yeshuah), though we are being called to search out more of the Scriptures, to view them as those they were written to (the Jewish people) and to meditate on what they are actually saying, not what we have been told by mortal man. If you have any questions, please (respectfully) ask below!
We're entering our third year in keeping the Holy Days that the Lord commanded the Israelites to follow. (Leviticus 23) We hope that you will join our journey as we continue to test everything, as we find out what is the truth according to the Word, and what the Father's will is for our family. In no ways are we now "Jewish" or have renounced our strong faith in our Messiah, Jesus (Yeshuah), though we are being called to search out more of the Scriptures, to view them as those they were written to (the Jewish people) and to meditate on what they are actually saying, not what we have been told by mortal man. If you have any questions, please (respectfully) ask below!
family left our Pentecostal church that we had been attending
for 12+ years. And since March of 2014 have been
attending home churches in our area. The fellowship we have find there
has helped mend our wounded hearts and has given us a new place to call
We are so blessed that you stopped by!
Please feel free to comment below with any questions or encouragement!
We love hearing from like-minded people as we strive to be the light to the world!
Love and shalom!
Cassie & Rebekah
of Calico Sisters
Hi Cassie and Rebekah
ReplyDeleteI enjoy reading your blog and admire your christian lifestyle.
I am likeminded although I don't live on a farm.
I have always been a skirt/dress wearer but have recently been giving consideration to buying some pants. Several of my skirts only friends have recently started to wear pants occasionally and they are very modest dress pants and cannot be regarded as men's apparel.
I am coming to the conclusion it may be acceptable in our Lord's eyes to wear modest pants made specially for women.
Have you ever worn pants. I would have thought some of your farm chores would be easier in pants.
Dear Rebecca, Thank you so much for your lovely comment!
ReplyDeleteOur family is not an all dress/skirt wearing family- though we strongly believe in being modest with our clothing.Just Rebekah and I have been convicted of this (wearing only skirts/dresses).We feel that skirts are the most simple way to express our femininity and being far more modest than most pants- much easier to be modest.This is my fourth year of having only worn skirts.Our family besides us (mom, and little sisters) do wear them more often than not.I think that as long as the pants are not too tight- they may be as modest as skirts.There is often a fine line between being modest or not- girly enough-or too trendy to be made modest.As far as our farm chores- so far we have had no complications in wearing them daily to get the job done. :)
I would love the answer any other questions that you may have!
I can't believe ya'll live in Holland! My cousin graduated from Hope College and Holland is such a small town. We all live in Richmond, VA but she stayed up there after college. What a lovely blog!
Yes we live about 15-20 minutes way from there!
ReplyDeleteWhat a crazy coincidence!
Thanks for stopping by! We will be sure to have a look at your blog!
On behalf of Calico Clodhoppers
Such a joy to find your blog! God bless you both, dears. :)
ReplyDelete♥ aspirer
I have to say that your girls' blog is one of my absolute favorites! I don't live on a farm, but I would love to. I live in the woods, hehe. :) I'm an MK in Ukraine, actually! I've shown some of my friends in Ukraine your wonderful blog. :D Thanks so much for your lovely posts. God bless!
ReplyDeleteI'm a missionary daughter in Gainsborough, England with my family. There is 10 children in our family and my dad's a pastor! And we homeschool! :)
DeleteThis is what five foot nine girl said: Dear Rebecca, Thank you so much for your lovely comment!
ReplyDeleteOur family is not an all dress/skirt wearing family- though we strongly believe in being modest with our clothing.Just Rebekah and I have been convicted of this (wearing only skirts/dresses).We feel that skirts are the most simple way to express our femininity and being far more modest than most pants- much easier to be modest.This is my fourth year of having only worn skirts.Our family besides us (mom, and little sisters) do wear them more often than not.I think that as long as the pants are not too tight- they may be as modest as skirts.There is often a fine line between being modest or not- girly enough-or too trendy to be made modest.As far as our farm chores- so far we have had no complications in wearing them daily to get the job done. :)
I would love the answer any other questions that you may have!
You guys didn't answer. >:<(
To answer your question then- point blank- Yes, we have worn pant in the past.
DeleteCalico Sisters
Hey Girls!
ReplyDeleteI'm Grace. I saw that you recently joined my blog! (countitalljoyinthebigsky.blogspot.com) Thank you so much for joining! You look like very sweet girls trying to please our Savior! I look forward to looking at you blog more!
Your blog link has Clod Hoppers in it, is that from the family gospel singers? http://www.thehoppers.com :D
Thanks for checking us out Grace! We found your blog threw Natalie (teenagechristianhomeschooler).
DeleteWe actually never heard of the Hoppers before- they look like we would love to listen to what they have to offer!
A Sister of Calico
You girls have a great blog!
ReplyDeleteTane ♥
Hi! my name is jessica harrison. i actually grew up in a city with 16,000 people. it was just as good as the small town i lived in for 3 years (2,500ish). big towns are great too. i do agree with everything else you say but i am just saying.
ReplyDeleteI was just stating my personal preference, Jessica. ;-)
Great blog! You both seem to have a wonderful testimony for Christ!!
Square Dancing?!?! Y'all (or one of you :) likes square dancing!!?? That's sooo awesome!!! I absolutely loooove square dancing. :D
ReplyDeleteCassie, why do you want to be a midwife's assistant, rather than an actual midwife? Just curious! Jessica
ReplyDeleteHello Jessica! I feel that that is a good place to start for now. Then later on still being able to advance into becoming CM if that is were the Lord would have me go.
DeleteThanks for inquiring!
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
ReplyDeleteCassie. Where was your family picture taken? It's soooo pretty!
ReplyDeleteHi dear! It was taken at Kollen Park in Holland! :)
Thanks! It's beautiful! :)
DeleteYou use the term Sabbath alot I'm curious are you talking about Saturday Or Sunday?
ReplyDeleteHello there!
DeleteTo answer your question- when we refer to "Sabbath" we mean Saturday; the seventh day that was set apart by God for His people to observe as a day just to commune with Him and cease from the more daily tasks. :)
We began keeping Sabbath ON Saturday just over a year ago now. (Switched from traditional Sunday keeping to Saturday.)
If you have ANY other questions, do please ask away!
for the Shag girls
Do you know the Keller girls, Hannah, Ruth, and Sarah, from Three Girls and their Hobbies? On their, Blogs I Follow section, yours was on there. Just wondering, because I used to follow their blog, when they had it. :)
ReplyDeleteHello Tori dear! I'm so sorry for the late reply! I thought for sure I answered! The name sounds familiar, but after taking a look, can't say we do!
Hello from the UP of Michigan! I will be downstate, viditing my family and friends in mid June, she, my bestie, lives in Allegan! Small world! I am on Facebook as Penny L. Ray, married, wife to Pastor Jeff, and Momma to many on our farm. Please feel free to contact me. Would enjoy fellowship with like minded folks for a visit!
ReplyDeleteHello there! Thank you for the comment! How interesting that you have friends right in our neck of the woods! You can email us at calicosistersblog@gmail.com if you'd like to try and meetup at some point while you're here.
Hello! You have a beautiful blog! I have a question. :) Why do many Christians who keep the holy days and such call Jesus "Yeshua," and God "YHWH?" I know that's their Hebrew names, but I was curious if there was a reason why you prefer not to use the English pronunciation?
ReplyDeleteHello dear! Thank you SO much for your comment! Totally brightened my day. :)
DeleteAs to your question, you'll find a large verity of answers when it comes to this question, depending upon who you ask since there are some who are more adamant than others when it comes to using the "holy names" as they're so called. With noting that though, really anyone who chooses to use those pronunciations, no matter their level how important it is, would say because they have more value and are getting back to the roots. Jesus was never called 'Jesus' while here on earth. We also find more meaning for that name because it's meaning (in Hebrew) is salvation. Also, as for YHWH, some will pronounce it as YHVH, or even Yehuah. No matter how one chooses to pronounce the Hebrew word for our Creator, its just about showing that He DOES have a name and that there is significance behind it. :)
If you have any more questions, I'll do my best to answer!
I would like to suggest a few blogs to you ladies:
ReplyDeleteFresh Modesty: freshmodesty.com
Homestead Blessings: homestead-blessings.com
Follower of Christ's Blog: followerofchristsblog.blogspot.com
Inheriting the Promises: inheritingthepromises.org
My Lady Bibliophile: lady bibliophile.blogspot.com
C Fam Sisters: cfamsisters.com
Fresh Apparel Denim Company: freshapparel.us
I love all of these! :)
Hey it's Riley!! I was just wondering what does shalom mean and is it in Hebrew?
ReplyDeleteShalom is Hebrew for peace.
DeleteHi Cassie, This Elizabeth from Gobles. I finally read some of your blog. It is lovely!
ReplyDeletePeople often worry when we tell them that we are Sabbath keepers that we aren't Christians. That could not be further from the truth. Satan has deceived many.