Saturday, February 14, 2015

February || Photo-a-Day || Week 6

February Photo a Day Banner
Hi all! Boy have we been on a busy streak! Just as we finally type this up, we are unpacking from helping with a wedding and reloading for another party we are catering for tomorrow! But better a day late than never, eh? We should be back on track with regular posting days this coming week. (AKA, no more publishing posts a date late.) Let's see what we have been up to!

Saturday: there was a beautiful sunset that made the trees look like it was Fall, and I took pictures of Havah's braided mane and the super clean chicken coop!
Sunday: ugh. All this laundry we had to put away before bed. We had been too busy with party prep (see below) to put any away since the Monday sure piles up!
Monday: we held a birthday party for our dearest Aunt! Melody is working on a matzah bread cover for her! [The real pictures are on my camera still, so I have none to show you of the party!] We had so much fun with our visiting "cousins" too! We aren't related by blood but... ;-) (You can also see how our kitchen is still under construction in some of those. Slowly, but surely coming along.)
Tuesday: it was warm enough to go outside barefoot in the snow. At least for me, haha! I guess I have tough feet. Not to mention a certain brother of mine had my boots on...
Wednesday: all us kids spent the day at the aforementioned Aunt's house helping clean up the premises for her son's wedding being held there on the coming Friday! I am so sad about the state of the barn... It will soon be altogether demolished, either by nature or men.

Thursday: back at Aunt Wendy's to finish the wedding decor and cooking! ;-)
Y'all will have to wait for actual wedding photos (a Friday pic) till next week as I am still sifting through them. Do any of you wish to see a bunch of them, like as in a whole post dedicated to me sharing them? Let me know in a comment!

What was your favorite part of the week?
Have you ever planned a wedding?
Have you ever been in a wedding?

the wedding planner's helper


  1. I would LOVE to see a wedding post!!!! Great post BTW! <3

  2. I know I would love to see lots more pictures! And I am so grateful for all the help you girls have to make the wedding happen!

    1. Aww, thanks Amber! I will ask Matt + Jessica, but do you think they'd mind if we shared some of the pictures on here?


  3. How fun getting to help with the wedding. Can't wait to see pictures! Why yes, I have both planned and been in a wedding...quite recently. ;) And now I get to help Kellie plan her's:)
    Thanks for linking up!


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