Friday, March 27, 2015

Photo a Day || March || Week 12

The last week of March photo-a-day is here!
 Photo a day week 13
 Saturday: a little boy we know got seriously burned the Wednesday before last and our church group all signed this adorable card that Shannon Campau drew for him.

 Photo a day week 13
Sunday: Our kitchen floor and the sanding equipment!

Photo a day week 13
Monday: Calico, Pippin, and Bella!

Photo a day week 13
Photo a day week 13
Tuesday: the floor is almost finished!! It is gloriously shiny! (The floor picture is blurry on the sides because I had to take it through a little hole in the plastic covering the entryway! Haha!) And! We got a double convection Viking oven!

Wednesday: pig-in-the-blanket day! Last one before Tulip Time!

Photo a day March 27
Thursday: Pippin the kitten ball!

Photo a day March 27

Today: Bella playing Mr. Potato Head in the basement at our house, and one of the little boys Cassie is currently babysitting that lives just up the road!

This week hasn't been tooo busy, we even had time to get caught up on watching the show Bringing Up Bates at our friend's house! They are absolutely wonderful and hilarious! Also- the guy Michaela is courting is from Grand Rapids Michigan! So cool right?! Maybe we'll get to meet her someday! :-) Anyway! This week has held a lot of change, for the kitchen in particular! No more gym floor- now it is just pretty! We had the second practice for our Dutch Days Show, the chickens\ducks started laying egg again, Havah is losing her winter coat, the little girls are itching to get out their summer clothes, and we had our first spring snow! Thankfully, it didn't stick! But who knows, maybe we'll have one more snowstorm before the warmth of summer!

Do you watch Bringing UP Bates?
Who is your favorite Bates girl\boy?
What happened in your house this week?

~~the younger sister~~


  1. I love photography! You guys take great pictures! :)
    -Jenna <3
    Follow me? The Chic Cupcake

  2. Rebekah; how is Forrest? We've been praying for him.


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