Happy Saturday to you! The weather here in Michigan has been quite peculiar even for our usual un-exspectancties! We've still not had a good snow storm and have not seen a trace of those little white fluffs since before Thanksgiving now. I guess for we'll just have to try to enjoy the brown bareness and chase the greenery that is still lingering until that pearly blanket comes.

Boots- Ralf Hewn, Free // Legging- ? // Skirt- Me made // Undershirt, ? // Sweater- Goodwill, $4 // Beret- thrifted // Hair pearls- Me made
Since the weather has been more like that of Fall than of end of December, its been interesting to see what I come out wearing from the closet each morning. I must admit that this has been my main go-to assemble for the past near month now. These ragged boots are nearly gone altogether now that I've put so much wear into them even after they were in such bad shape when they came to me already. (See more about that in this outfit post.) But other than pulling on the flat bottomed gray waders, cardigans and sweaters have ended up in the laundry far more than any other item of late. With no coat hardly needed, this makes all the more sense. Plus I kinda love a good sweater. ;)

Its been a nice calm day around the house this Sabbath. I'm just finishing up a couple books and doing a bit of laundry since life got in the way of that area this week. We lost power for a couple days due to high rainy gusts that have been sweeping through our area and especially our little valley.
But I must say that since the temp has stayed above 40/45 degrees for the most part, ice has not been a problem which has been grand for this new driver. Yes, thats right! I'm finally a *legal*, *wink wink*, licensed driver! Dad took me a few weeks back now to do my final road skills test and I'm set! It's already been a huge help and I'm now much more excited to be able to utilize my hard work. Yay for the wait-till-you're-past-eighteen-method! ;)

One interesting little book that I've been trying to keep my nose out of until I *ahem* finish up said others, has this oh-so-true thought I'll share before signing off. Thanks so much for stopping by to catch up a bit! xx
Create time alone with yourself. When seeking the wisdom and clarity of your own mind, silence is a helpful tool. The voice of your spirit is gentle and cannot be heard when it has to compete with others. Just as it is impossible to see your reflection in troubled water, so too is it with the soul. In silence, eternity sleeping inside us.
How's the weather been where you live?
Sweaters or long-sleeve T's?
How do you get away to catch some solitude?
I am a big sweater fan! Lovely outfit! Congratulations on your license! ~Lisa
ReplyDeleteWow, you have been having unusual weather! It sounds the same as or slightly colder than the temperature in my neck of the woods for the past couple of weeks. :)
ReplyDeleteYou looks so lovely! I like your beret and the mossy color of the sweater. I prefer sweaters to long-sleeved tees, though I probably need more of the latter. ;)
Beautiful outfit, Cassie! Yes, the weather was strange!
ReplyDeleteHi to both of you. I tagged you for the Blogging-About-Blogs Tag here: http://cowgirlandadream.blogspot.com/2016/01/the-blogging-about-blogs-tag.html