Hello everyone!!! Golly, these past months have been busy, and with the tendency I have to not get back to things once I've let them take flight from my schedules, the blog here has been left in such a lonely state of late! I aim to remedy that today by giving you all a little update on that and finally share this outfit Bek snapped pictures back in October!

With this new year ahead I've been contemplating on where I want this blog to go. I've debated closing it or not to be honest. The vision I had for it back when my sister and I started it is still much of the same as it is now: to write about our passions and beliefs of faith and encourage girls specifically in their walk as Believers. Be that through encouraging modest dress via outfit sharing or to just be a place where girls could potentially meet and know that there are others like them around who stand with them on certain issues and to be that venue to chat about things.
But one important key is no longer present in that vision and that is the help of Rebekah. Besides help with photography, I've been doing the majority of writing, photo uploading/editing, graphic design, and keeping up on your comments etc. This is not being stated to toot my own horn, but to simply say that since conditions behind the blog's functioning have changed, that means the vision behind it must to be slightly reexamined also.
As I work through and pray about where I alone can aim this blog sufficiently, your thoughts would be so appreciated! Thanks to each of you for your support!

Shoes- Dr. Scholl's; thrifted, $3 // Tights- Target; clearance, $2 // Skirt- Eddie Bauer- thrifted, $1 // Undershirt- LOFT: thrifted, $1 // Sweatshirt- U.P. clothing shop, $18 // Tassels- me made // Headband- Garlands of Grace; Cecily's Fall Tour in Chambray Dot
Most people know I'm not a huge sweatshirt/T-shirt wearing person by any means! But on our trip to the U.P. this sweatshirt's design struck my fancy and as we were playing the roles of tourists for the week, we each selected a shirt to remember the occasion.I thought it funny I had packed some pieces that matched it so well; the blue and white polka-dot tennis shoes that I'd wore the majority of the time and I just to happened to throw in this Garlands of Grace head-wrap as well. People seem to think that sweatshirt wearing is sloppy or just for those comfy days, but when you stick to a few coordinating colors, you can actually pull them off in a really well rounded easy outfit I think!

The skies were full of fabulous, billowing clouds over the shiny waters of Lake Heron the day we left from our U.P. trip. I'd hoped to take some kind of photo-shoot while we were up there, but as our days were quite packed, it seemed like it wasn't going to happen. That was nearly how it was too! These pictures were taken the very morning we were heading back, and boy, am I glad Bek and I took the chance to run up the docks to this boat house! While everyone else scurried around, making sure they hadn't forgotten anything, we were enjoying some last moments of our beautiful stay there.
The boathouse was part of the property we stayed at while there, and continues to be one of my favorite buildings I saw while on the trip. The thick white peeling paint, the gray-blue painted trim, surrounding worn docks, and the stained glass window that looked to the front of the house.... Every aspect made me adore the sight of it's standing.

It feels SO GOOD to hit "publish" on a post again y'all!
Thanks so much for reading! And if you have any thoughts to share about where I should go from here with this blog, please do leave a comment!
Blessings and shalom,
I absolutely LOVE these photos! You look beautiful!♥ Also, blogging is tough work for one person. I struggle with getting one post up a week on mine, and that's without worrying about photos, editing them, etc, since I usually just use quotes to break up the posts. I'll be praying for you, that you find out how God wants to use this blog or if the best decision would be taking a blogging break. It's a hard decision to make!
Thanks so much sweet, Kalin!!
DeleteYou've been such a big support of the blog since literally, day one. <3 Your prayers mean so much. Thank you. I know you know exactly where I'm coming from. May we each be willing and attentive to whatever the Father would have us do.
Much love,
Love this outift! I want to be comfy but hate looking like a slob so I'm so glad you shared this! Yay for sweatshirts.
ReplyDeleteLove this sweatshirt look! Since becoming a mom, I very often choose comfort over fun when it comes to clothing. I've been working on incorporating pieces that are both into my wardrobe, and your outfit is inspiring me. :)
ReplyDeleteI love your blog, Cassie! Don't give it up. I will be praying for you. <3 :)
ReplyDeleteVery nice photos!
ReplyDeleteI love the pop of yellow you added to this outfit!
ReplyDeleteYou are styling sweatshirts so good! Love the combination of stylish and comfyness... And your hair is wonderful!
wou bleassing siters
ReplyDeleteYahweh bless you and keep you.