Hello all! I'm so happy to be around here a bit more again! As promised, I have some fun news to share with you this fine weekend! Those of you who follow me via social media may have already heard this news, but for those who don't, or for those of you who want to hear a bit more about it-- read on to know the details of the new Etsy shop I just launched!
People have told me for years I should have some kind of online sewing shop, but having the responsibility of not just the sewing end of it all (i.e. listing things, shipping, etc.) sounded daunting. And at the same time I've always been busy with another part-time job or TWO, so it just didn't seem feasible to run something like that efficiently on top of my at work and at home responsibilities.
BUT, come the end of September I'm SO excited to be able to say that I'll be job free!!! It's been about four years since I've been able to say that. This coming week is my last at my nanny job; bittersweet to be sure. I've already warned people I may be quite emotional the week or two following. Haha! But this is a decision I've been praying about for over a good year, and the Father finally lead me to go through with the choice.
This past month I've been working two jobs; my nannying one along with helping to take care of my aunt who is developing Alzheimer's. It's been a crazy month, emotional, one not without some anxiety, but when strength from YHWH has come through, its left me so in awe.
All that to say I was crazy enough to start up an Etsy shop in the midst of all this transition! I've already learned so much and the shop has only been open a couple weeks! I'm really looking forward to experiencing all that comes along with this venture.
I'm one who loves being surrounded by things that make me happy and things that inspire me. Random bits of nature, vintage sewing things and personal keepsakes and necessities all surround me while I work away in my sewing corner.
I love to create and being able to sell some of those creations makes me so happy! The corner of our room is where most of those transpire. There is where I cut out patterns and match fabric to them, write notes to people and order supplies. Or here I should say, because the photos you see throughout this post are indeed pictures of that little space.
Above my sewing machine I have a few small framed things, one of which is a portrait of my paternal Grandmother. She was an avid sewer herself throughout her life. I have a few of her very own tools such as scissors and yard sticks. I love looking up at her photo as I carry on a passion she loved so much I now love myself. 💗
My dear 1930's Damascus treadle machine is still going strong. Though I have been migrating toward using our electrics that are kept in our sewing room recently, I still use her quite often. I'm looking forward to using her on future shop products and including that tidbit in the items' descriptions. 😉
Sewing is not the only thing that happens in my little claimed corner. It's my desk kind of area as well. Daily list plans, Bible reading and journaling, all more often than not, happen here as well.
So my corner is quite a personal area and that's just what I want to go into any packages that come out of it as well. The delight of our Heavenly Father's nature, the sweetness of His word, and items resembling bygone eras you can wear with confidence of style is what I want to overflow each package with.
I'm itching to see where this little shop goes. I already have had my first dress order (see photos above) and have a small supply of headwraps listed in the shop!
I'd love for you all to take a peek! And if any of you have an Etsy shop or something similar yourself, please let me know of any tips you may have for starting up your own business!
on Etsy
Thank you!
Blessings and shalom,
Cassie, I love the old machine!!! Oh my! Delightful photo's of it as well. You are inspiring within me the desire to make order in my workshop! lol It needs help!