Why hey there! Anyone interested in seeing what's in my purse? You may remember Cassie sharing what items she keeps in her purse and today you'll be seeing what's in my large leather bag and the story behind how it came into my possession. So hop abroad and take a look!

Who keeps 2 pairs of binoculars in their satchel?! Apparently me! No,
I'm not a stalker! :P I have been carrying these around for two
months, ever since we attended the demolition derby! Who knows, maybe
I'll need them again! They are quite handy! I guess thats how Cass and I are a little bit different in this area, I tend to keep more of the "Where'd that come from?" stuff in my bag for longer than it's really needed. But my bag is larger so... But! I will say that I don't have any trash in my bag, which is just too much if you ask me. I can't stand that!
Whenever we get an item from say an estate sale or antique market, we love to hear the story behind the first owner or what the item's play in history it was. My large 100% leather bag, was a gift to me from my Mother who came across it while garage saling one summer day. It, having no price tag at all, she hoped against hope that they would not ask too much for it, even though it was the picture of a fabulous leather item. Just look at how well made it is! Well, she made the inquire, and just about fell over when the lady asked for whooping $3 (!) for it! We heard the whole ordeal from Mom later that day. The lady's husband traveled to Europe on a regular basis and with him he took this bag, as his briefcase, wherever he went. He had decided to retire this one, planning on replacing it with something new because of how it was beginning to get worn. And, "Because of it's condition", said the lady, "how's three dollars sound?" With a joyful "Sold!" said Mom, she bought it home.
I would be rich by now if every person who complemented on it since then gave me a dollar! Ha ha!
I guess I'll move on to my this and that...
While I really don't need a pair of work glasses with me at all times, for some reason I have delayed in stowing these away elsewhere. They are my glasses from our work mission trip in June. I may be a bit sentimental... But hey, they are a great headband too!
Sometimes I don't feel like lugging my giant bag around when I'm shopping so I use this handmade wallet on a string that I purchased from a street peddler in Vilnius, Lithuania...
This pocketbook is temporarily resigned because the strap is broken...
As I you've seen, I have several different wallets. I surprised myself when I opened this one up and found...all of this! Giftcards, 4H identification card, and a lot of Lithuania mementos! Sometimes you just don't know what you have!
Just the bare essentials: nail clippers; chapstick; and a disposable floss stick!
Bobby pins of course! And, I always have at least one knife on my person. (Ooh, scary! Ha ha!) You never know when you could use a mini Leatherman!
What girl doesn't need a mirror and brush in her bag?
I never leave the house without a handy pack of playing cards! I don't really like board (bored!) games but I love card games such as: Slap It; Rubbish; I Doubt It; Texas Hold 'em; and the ever-fun Go Fish. Don't worry, no Poker for this girl! (At least not with real money... Hehehe!) This set is special because I bought them in Lithuania on our tour day!
This is a pen from the church my Grandparents started, Alabaster House...
I hope none of you are grossed out by my half-eaten Ukrainian chocolate... but, purses aren't always spic 'n span! I bought the scrumptious smooth bar at a local thrift shop that is doing a fundraiser to send coats to Ukraine! The mints are one of my favorites, and if you visit Holland during Tulip Time you're sure to leave with some!
Was this post boring?
Have you ever played any of the games I mentioned?
What strange items are hiding in your bag?
Is there anything sentimental?
Is there anything sentimental?
Keeper of the binoculars
Ohhh, Ukrainian chocolate is amazing, isn't it?! I'd like to learn more about the thrift shop that is raising the money for coats!
ReplyDeleteYou are very prepared! :) I like your bag - it looks so adventurous and ready-to-go. I know how it is to keep things in your purse for sentimentality...usually I clean mine out before too much time goes by, b/c it's small.
ReplyDeleteHmm...I may have played Rubbish. I know how to play a game named "Garbage" that one of the girls I babysat called "Trash Can". Is it one where you have ten cards face down?
Paige, I was also wondering if Rubbish is called Garbage cause if so I love that game! Loved this post I was hoping you would do one since Cassie did one.
ReplyDeleteKirsta O.
I'm in love with that leather bag. Where on earth did you get??