Yhoowho! Happy Monday! Our weekend was kind of dashed since our church services were cancelled (more on that later this week) due to....snowy weather. Ha ha! But in light of our not getting to see our church family and worship with them, we had a very pleasant past two days with just each other here at home. Days that you usually like to dress up for (e. i. church!) get my creative juices going even if my destination runs off course. So I'm going to share one of those kinda outfits, that you still feel functional while wearing, but fun in at the same time.

Boots- thrifted, $3 // Pants, Skirt (old), & Shirts- thrifted //
Leather belt- thrifted, $1 //
Apple necklace- $1 // Fur hair pin- gifted
Leather belt- thrifted, $1 //
Apple necklace- $1 // Fur hair pin- gifted
As you can tell, the outfit is not overly flattering, but as I said above, I just had fun grabbing some whimsical items and paired them together for a nice around-the-house-I'm-glad-I'm-with-y'all type outfit. Plus I've really wanted to share these adorable pieces with y'all to boot! My necklace is not really vintage per-say, but the adorable solid apple shape was probably from the children's selection from Avon or some like catalog we're guessing. All the adorable whimsy items that are "in" right now certainly call my name, so I snatched this pendant up the minute I layed eyes on it!
The small furred trimming in my milk-maid braids is a fabulous item I'd had in my Etsy wishlist that my Mother, the dear that she is, purchased for me as a Christmas gift. The next time I wear it I'll make sure to slip it out for a better photo for you all, as we where in a slight rush this time around. You'll love it even more once you see it's long sturdy Bakelite prongs. ;)

The words that I had planned on for the finishing of this post seemed irrelevant when I woke up this morning. For some reason I felt like I was suppose to ditch the other half of the small talk and share the days devotional from Jesus Calling by Sarah Young. I hadn't even glanced at the day's portion yet. The copy that I've been using on and off was a gift to me. Though at times I do have my misgivings of it (if you don't know the layout of these well-known day by day devotionals, the writer expresses her thoughts/dialog as being Jesus talking to you. It just doesn't really set right with me completely.) Even-so, I guess I'm suppose to share it today. No, I don't know for whom these words will speak to, but that is not for me to know anyway. So, it reads:
"Let Me prepare you for the day that stretches out before you. I know exactly what this day will contain, whereas you only vague ideas about it. You would like to see a map, showing all the twists and turns of your journey. You'd feel more prepared if you could somehow visualize what is on the road ahead. However, there is a better way to be prepared for whatever you will encounter today: Spend quality time with Me.
I will not show you what is on the road ahead, but I will thoroughly equip you for the journey. My living Presence is your Companion each step of the way. Stay in continual communication with Me, whispering with Me, whispering My Name whenever you need to redirect your thoughts. Thus, you can walk through this day with your focus on Me. My abiding Presence is the best road map available."
The LORD replied, "My presence will go with you, and I will give you rest."
Exodus 33:14
Remain in Me, and I will remain in you. No branch can bear fruit by its-self; it must remain in the vine. Neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in Me. I am the vine; you are the branches. If a man remains in Me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from Me you can do nothing. If anyone does not remain in Me, he is like a branch that is thrown away and withers; such branches are picked up, thrown into the fire and burned. If you remain in Me and My words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be given to you.
John 15:4-7

One last word before I sign off, halleluYAH! Our first addition to the Blog with which it's post is all properly alined! I've been behind the scenes working with our new Flickr account, photo sizing, etc. and learning the site's ins and outs. Boy, does it make all the difference! Anyway, I was just super happy to get that much closer to the blog that I imagine for us, in this small-ish way. ;)
Has your church had to cancel services yet this season?
Do you like whimsical accessories?
Have you ever read the Jesus Calling devotional?
the Elder Writer
Love this comfy outfit! That skirt is great. And your hair is so beautiful like that! Your hairstyles are always so beautiful, though. :)
ReplyDeleteThe weather would have to be worse than bad for church to be canceled in North Idaho. ;)
I do enjoy whimsical accessories, like my hot air balloon necklace.
I haven't read that devotional but I probably won't for the same misgivings you have. :)
Thanks for another encouraging post and lovely outfit!
Hello dear! Thanks so much for your kind words! :) I love hearing from you so, so much! I keep smiling to myself thinking of my newly-married friend. ;)
DeleteI know! I usually is such like here in Michigan as well, the opposite is that sometimes we expect storms, but then they never come our way. (As was in this case.) and yet other times they come upon us without any notice beforehand. I guess that must have been how it was in the olden days. I suppose we're roughing over here in Mi then! Ha ha!
Much, much love!
the Elder Sister
Your hair is always so creative!! :)
ReplyDeleteLooks like a lovely winter day. I haven't read Jesus Calling, but currently am reading Jesus today by the same author. (It was also a gift) I too sometimes have misgivings about it and sometimes I really appreciate the devotion for that day.
ReplyDeleteYour outfit looks very cozy and I especially like the belt. :-) ~Lisa (Paige's mom)
Fun outfit! It almost looks as if you should be headed off to a winter barn dance. :)
ReplyDeleteYour belt is cute! I like a certain amount of whimsical accessories, but just can't always seem to pull them off. Right now I'm wearing the patina-ed key necklace Mom made me; it has worked for so many outfits!
Darling ensemble Cassie! I can just imaging you reading a book by the fire with a mug of coco in hand. It definitely captures the Wintery side of things now-a-days. And I have to agree with everyone else–your hair is superb! I would definitely like to see an closeup of the furry clip.
ReplyDeleteOur Church hasn't had to cancel yet, but we have had to stay home from Church these past two weeks, on account of two things: a bad flu the first Sunday, then the next week going to bed Saturday night with a toilet that overflowed down into your basement. Yeah... we had to fix that ASAP and so we couldn't fellowship with our beloved Church family this past Sabbath. God has planned it to be so, and thus I can't complain. :)
I say, the more snow, the better as it the reflected light outside, bringing into your house; even on the cloudy days!
So glad you triumphed with the lineup of the photos! It looks wonderful!
Much love to you two!
Jessica, the eldest sister & singer
Oh, Cassie, your outfit is lovely! I love that plaid blouse, and the apple necklace and fur hair accessory are fun!
ReplyDeleteAnd I am so glad that you figured out how to align the photos with the post. It looks so nice!
We have had to miss Church two weeks in a row now: First time on account of sickness, and the second time on account of a plumbing problem. I am hoping and praying that we will get to go this Sunday, and at least the absence has made me value worshiping with the body even greater.
the Middle Sister and Singer
Hi girls! Thank you ever so much for your kind-hearted words!
DeleteWhat a shame having to miss out on attending Church for such dull reasons! But as you said, there was a purpose for it's happening. And the moment you walk through the doors again will make you all the more grateful for the time you do have with the beloved Body.
Yes! I am so excited for this change for the Blog! Charlotte's Tips For Better Blogging surely came in handy as I began the process! With the tab open containing her posts next to the Flickr one, I was able to breeze through the first times so effortlessly, clicking back and forth. Make sure to give her my thanks!
xo dearies!
the Elder Writer