Hello everyone! I am super excited to be bringing to you the second addition to Magazine Mondays that Brigid Boyer ( from the Boyer Family Singers) and I started up last month! My Mom picked up this magazine from a Goodwill's glass case a few weeks ago; once I calmed down from being so happy to receive it, I knew it would be grand to share it with you!
So, I'll be sharing one of it's three sections, Style & Beauty, because I knew you all would enjoy that the most, and want to see all of it's pages over bits and pieces of it. :) Oh and, it's from the 30's (seems like I can't get away from that decade of late) I hope you don't mind.... :)
From shoes, to powder puffs, and how to take a bath, plus the main attraction from this dear magazine; latest patterns of this time, I took photos of them all just for you! If you would like to see more from this magazine, (e.i. ads & housekeeping/cooking) just click on one of the photos shown here and it will take you to our Flickr account, allowing you to look through them all on our photo-stream!

Okay now, be ready to fall off your seat cause these are so wonderful! Yes, even more fun from the 30's is yet to come down below! I had hoped to do a bit more commentary today, but alas my day/week is just getting crazier by the minute, so I will let you think (mostly, heehee) your own thoughts as you look through these delightful pages from 1936! Enjoy dearies!

So as I was uploading these illustrations of the pattern choices, I realized I really adore each of them that are colored with that deep forest green. Not only those, but a good many that I am attracted to happen to be that hue featured. Oo, and especially those below!

Ha ha! I *love* this ad on the right! The expressions on their faces are head on! It's just too cute! Oh, and see that powder box on the left? Yeah, I saw the same one at a little thrift shop's antique corner the other day! And.didn't.get.it! Oh well...
The top photo below has some darling warm winter play attire for little pips! The drawings are so fabulous! The ad for RIT on the left cracks me up! Ha ha! What a perfect play on words!
The last collage is the magazine's full front & back covers.

Thanks so much girls, for leaving such thoughtful comments on our MM posts! We are looking forward to sharing more of our little collections through the months to come! Oh! Do you happen to have some magazines you'd like to share as well? We would love to see what you have and for you to join us! That's right! Brigid has made it possible to now link-up for Magazine Mondays! So if you would like to be a part of this, and would like to know the few ins and outs- just e-mail me; I'll be sure to let you in on it all! E-mail: calicosistersblog(at)gmail(dot)com
Be sure to look at Brigid's Magazine Monday today too, if you have not already! (Sneekpeek: she is sharing some needlecraft of 1919!)
What do you think of the forest green dresses?
Would you like to see more of this magazine?
Want to link-up?
Okay all, I have to be off! Be blessed and stay safe!
Ta-ta till Saturday!
the elder one of the two
These are absolutely SPLENDID Cassie! I just might have to pin each and every page to my 1930's board. :D
the Middle Sister and Singer
Great posts, Cassie!