Hey all! I'm going to squeeze in another Kitchen Update post before the weekend is out if y'all don't mind. :) This update is a few basic things that I know are worth sharing, but honestly I just want to catch you all up to where we are right now because it looks soo much better than these pictures imply at this stage. But how do I get to that point? By sharing each of the steps with you which includes these two.

As some guy friends of ours parked their cars and put on gloves, they decided that that work night they would commence the mounting of our heavy soapstone counter tops. How amazing it is to glide your hand across their soft finish. To think of all the effort that was put in to them. I wish I was able to give you a sample of that feeling, if only for a moment.

Soapstone was also mounted onto the wall behind where the stove-top will sit, making a center piece in the large kitchen and a nice mounting area for where the pot-filler will be installed. We also have a 4" back splash of soapstone (photo above) on all the perimeter counters.

Next up- priming all the drawers! What a chore! Each one had to be sanded, (first photo shown above) scalping all four edges smooth of their sharp points. Then to the to the pole barn they went once again, but this time to be vacuumed out and primed with the think white paint, bringing us one step closer to our goal.

Then the pails of white goodness were hauled to the house to be used further there. Once inside, we began pouring containers full and passing them to friends who came to help and young-eager-to-assist siblings. As we handed out brushes and began to cover each nook and cranny, we realized what a job it would be. But as we talked the night away and moved from one cabinet to another, the dreariness of work wore off and we completed what we set out to do.

As the insides of the cabinet boxes began to dry, Dad made sure everything was set for the next day of painting, but this time he would not have primer nor a brush in hand, but real, honest to goodness creamy paint with a professional sprayer to boot.
Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart,
as working for Yah and not for man.
Colossians 3:23
the Elder Writer