Yay! A new year is just about to start! With the New Year comes the anticipation of what will take place within the next days and months ahead that we'll all switch from writing '2015' to '2016'! With anticipation also comes excitement of what can so quickly ensue as we each have seen in years past. I don't want to dwell on this fact alone today, but rather share just a couple quick things with you.
Upon the publication of my post about personal Bible studying importance and my own journey with it the last couple months, a friend of mine whom we fellow-shipped with as a family, and his wife, emailed me about beginning a blog to specifically encourage a Bible reading plan he'd come up with to read through the Bible within a one year period. This has gotten me quite excited, so of course I'm inviting you all to also join in on our journey.
Each week we'll be given a section to read and then near the end of the week a post will go live on the said blog to read about what the couple saw in that section themselves etc, and also then give us all the chance to ask questions and say what we saw ourselves within the passage.
So please give the first couple posts a read on what to exspect while following it and also to see this week's first section thats already been given in this post! The timing has been absolutely perfectly given! I'm sure we all know whom the One is to thank for that!
I know that you'll quickly be encouraged to find others who are striving to begin this new year with a solid foundation- Studying the Word of God. As well as stand by the side of those who are heading this project up! I'd be very thankful of you'd see what's going on there!
(Make sure to sign your email address in the sidebar of the blog to be notified when new posts are up.)
Number two of my bit of link love today is that to the dearest Boyer sister ladies. Most of our followers are mutual friends I know, but if by chance you've missed their extremely grand announcement this week, you'll want to head over there right now to give a huzzah of congratulations about of which you'll then fine out! ;)
Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.
2 Corinthians 5:17
the elder sister & writer
Good post, as always! ;D