Monday, May 12, 2014

Top Reasons Why I Blog // Summer Plaid and Lace

Hello all!
I am SO excited to finally be back from our busy week! It seems like our house was more like a motel as this past week flew by. Only stopping in for a much deserved restful night's sleep, just to awake and repack our 'carry-on luggage' and catch an occasional quick bath when time permitted. Our home is getting back to normal as we catch up on the day to day cleaning and putting things back in their rightful places.

Though we took a multitude of photos to share with you, exactly what and how we do things for Tulip Time, I decided that it would be best to wait a few days to get all those thoughts together for y'all.
And, this morning I woke up with the feeling that I needed to write out my reasons for blogging. Why I have kept at it. And since it is kind of suitable at this point in our blogging (we are already almost at our one year milestone y'all!) I thought I'd go with it.
To Find Encouraging Friends                                                                                                                          
I believe I have mentioned a few times before how we have been part of a church for over a decade, and the past few years (3-4) have been very hard. We have lost many friends who had been part of our church for as long or longer than we had. The reasoning doesn't compare to us kids loneliness as the weeks and months came after their families decided to move on. Anyone who has gone through this kind of thing knows how drudging it can be. You try and are really not truly depressed about it but it still takes its toll.

Around a year and a half ago (so a while after most of the families with children had jumped ship) Rebekah and I were on the internet searching around for different ideas on how to make cotton slips. We somehow stumbled upon Fresh Modesty and that was truly our beginning into the blogging world. We were SO encouraged! We had no idea what a blog actually was and that there was actually some great people out there so happy about Christ's love and modesty that they were sharing it world-wide with others! And, the best part, they were our age! We had found friends in a crazy way to us- through the web!

All this to say- we don't only blog to give encouragement (next topic) but to also receive it! Even Jesus asked His disciples to pray for Him! We all need encouragement in some way and lately that has been reading others' views on modesty and how they relate that into their own lives through their blogs. We have been outrageously blessed even more than we were before when we were only reading blogs! 

To Give Encouragement                                                                                                                                  
As I lightly stated above, every person alive needs to be lifted up. Needs a highlight. Every-time I read a friends blog and am lifted up by their words, I know Who I have to thank. God has brought our passion to share our lives together to give each-other (fellow bloggers) and our readers encouragement. I didn't want to only be on the receiving end I wanted to pass it on. If you have a passion, share it with those around you who are like-minded so the flame keeps burning! I wanted my newly found friends to know that I was there for them to and for me, leaving an occasional comment was no longer enough.

"So then, brothers, stand firm and hold to the teachings we passed on to you, whether by word of mouth or by letter."    2 Thessalonians 2:15

To Keep Modesty Alive                                                                                                                                   
Our soul purpose and hope on this blog is to bring you joy in why you dress modestly or to be an inspiration to those who don't. Most people will say "modesty starts in the heart" which I believe and hope is true for most of us. That we were not pushed into this desire but thought and prayed about it alot or at least knew the reasons why our family was taking that stand. But I don't think that it needs to stop there. Having God be part of everything we do encludes the way we present ourselves to the world and preserve ourselves for our future spouse. As I am sure you know, there is so much to be said about this certain topic but instead of going down the road of 'why' (different post someday) I'd like to say, because it is a passion of mine. Just like sewing and creating are my passions, I adore seeing ladies who value their beauty, keeping it for their 'one and only'.

Some days it can be a challenge knowing what to write in 2-3 outfit posts a week, but as the comments pour in and words begin to flow, I know that the greater cause is oh so worth it!

I want this to never die. Keeping something alive takes work, especially since this fashion seems to be so sick (ha ha! No joke!) but anything worth having takes work and a lot of it! If this blog is one more way I can drive the spike, and get daily encouragement from like-minded people I will gladly keep it up!

Wearing this outfit yesterday was amazingly perfect! I was so glad when some of my favorites came together in such a summery outfit. Everything seems to spring to life each year while we are 'away' during Tulip Time.
Bek and I cantered to one of the fields behind our church to snap photos of one another (can't wait for her to share her fabulous outfit) after services. And yes, this land (and outbuildings) are owned by the farm we work for! The berry seasons are also coming up soon!
Oh yes, hair! As I started to comb out bedtime tangles that morning, I thought of how long it had been since I had styled anything with rope-braiding! So I just starting braiding, crossing and pinning and ended up with a style that I have missed for quite a while! I love the turnout! 
 I am praying that each of you has had a joyful week and anticipating the new! Look out into the blooming trees and fields and drink it in while it lasts! And remember He Who created everything, everything so beautiful!

         "The grass withers and the flowers fall, but the Word of Yahweh stands forever."  Isaiah 40:8

                                                                    Fondly as always,
                                                              The Elder Sister and Writer


  1. Oh my, I don't know where to start! I loved this post! It seems like our reasons for blogging are both so similar! When most of my friends were stripped away because of a broken church, I didn't know what to do! Everything seemed to come down on me at once. It was a very hard summer, but it wasn't until I hit that low point in my life that everything seemed to make sense to me. It took me some time to sort things out in my mind, but when I did, I began searching for other like-minded Christians. I too stumbled upon Fresh Modesty which truly inspired me! Once I started my blog I "met" so many other bloggers out there (like you and Rebekah!) who are working to keep modesty alive! It has been a wonderful experience to say the least!
    Well, now that I've probably written a much-too-long comment, I will quickly say you look beautiful! You have such lovely taste in style! :)


    1. I definitely agree with Laura! Our story is similar, only we have been Church hopping for nearly all the years that we have lived in Ohio, and even though we now have found our beloved Church home, there are still not too many girls there who understand our girls' way of life. It is sad. We feel very much alone and left out; even suppressed in a way, and almost shy to express ourselves as to who we truly are. But like you Laura, and Cassie, we have found our truly like-minded (wether it be fashion, conservativeness, desiring to live an honorable life all for Christ, or reclaiming History) friends via the web and blogging.

      Cassie, I would have to say that we three also hold to all of the reasons for blogging that you and Bek do. I was thoroughly inspired and uplifted by this treasurable post (I don't doubt you will be pleased to hear so! ha ha!)! So good to know that there are such sweet and thoughtful young ladies out there like you! You also will be happy to know that I greatly admire your girl's spirit of perseverance in making your blog better and better every day! It has paid off incredibly, and is taking on a professional quality now-a-days. It really is wonderful to see the same energy that we three put into our own site, in you and Beck! Keep up the wonderful work of Christian Charity! (And don't you dare cease in taking dominion over fashion and poor appearances! You two make this area shine with a lovely brilliance!)

      Many warm hugs,

      The eldest sister & singer

  2. Cassie I just love your hair! Have you ever considered doing just one or two tutorials to show how you do you hair? That would be so neat. Of course I understand if you don't want to.

  3. This was a truly lovely post, Cassie! Your reasons for blogging are really admirable; I agree that it has been such a great journey to blog and find like-minded friends, even if they live far away. :)
    Your outfit is pretty! The necklace is beautiful and old-fashioned (in the best sense of the word) looking.

  4. Love this post! Like you girls, my first blog I found was Fresh Modesty and she most definitely inspired me. :) I'm so happy y'all decided to start blogging, you are huge inspirations to me!

    And I adore the outfit, as per usual! Your hair is stunning!

  5. Beautiful post! I so admire you and your desire to keep modesty alive. You are certainly an inspiration to me, and I daresay a lot of other people! God bless you! I also loooove the outfit you're wearing, and your hair is so pretty! I like rope braids too.:) You have such a gorgeous setting to take pictures.
    In Christ,

  6. I enjoyed this post so much! You two are such an encouragement to me:)
    Loving that skirt and your hair!

  7. Oh Cassie, your story is so similar to ours!
    We knew about, and were inspired by blogs before we took over our Mom's blog (she let us take it over by the way :D), and it seems that God's timing for our "take-over" coincided perfectly with a time where we too were struggling with our Church situation. Just in this past year we have discovered such wonderful friends through this world of blogging. To be honest, I feel like I know you girls as if you were my friends outside of the virtual world. You all are so encouraging!

    Blessings and thank you for your lovely words!

    the Middle Sister and Singer

  8. Oh wow! yes, where to begin! I love everything about your outfit- the color combination, the skirt and top, your necklace, your hairstyle and hair piece and YOUR SHOES!!!!!

    What Tulip Time are you talking about? The one in Holland? I noticed that you too are Michiganders!!! I live an hour North of Grand Rapids!

    I loved reading about why you blog!!! I should do a similar post sometime! I know what you mean about friendships! Sadly I go to a church where people think that family is all you need, so nobody makes an effort to encourage each other!

    It was so nice to take a look around your blog again! Can't wait to read more!!! It was so nice to "meet" you!!!

    XX Hannah


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