Monday, July 21, 2014

Happy Birthday CSB!

We are overwhelmed today ladies. Can you suppose why? Just the reason that we have been blogging precisely one year to this day. How can we begin the process of recording our thoughts and thanks to our encouraging readers for your kindness, devotion, or just the moment you take to drop us a comment? We are truly humbled by what you have done for us. We thank the LORD He has brought this passion to us by spreading His Word in such a way we never could have thought of or imagined.

You see, before the very day we set up our very first blog design with Mom, we were two girls who spent a total of maybe two or so hours a month, if that, surfing the 'worldwide web'. You are probably thinking "Woe" at this point, but it is exactly true. Going on the internet never seemed like any kind of necessity to us, much less a way to find like-minded friends! We know that we have put snippets of this non-fiction tale in posts of ours from time to time, we just want you to realize how true it is when people state the true fact that we have such a minimal amount of knowledge of how God can work. We never would have guessed that we would have been doing something that has already impacted so many (including ourselves) in this fashion! Yet here we are, with more encouraging friends we likely could number and comments that seem to pour in on just the days that we are feeling down or questioning our purpose. Who are we to question the most simple task? Or the most common- the most odd? God can use whatever He wants to bring Himself glory and bring people into the Kingdom.
Already we have learned SO much! If you happen to be an early reader of ours, the evidence is already before you. We look back on our first design, our first posts, and are amazing (and somewhat embarrassed ha ha!) at how quickly we have jumped on the blogging boat and how far we have come! We know that it would have been impossible for us to succeed in regular posting, in addition to, making our own blog buttons, dealing with technical problems etc, without the support of our family. Your encouragement. Clear thinking and direction from our Lord. We are overwhelmed!

We pray we will continue to learn and uplift you, our readers, by the grace of our Savior! We are ready to begin another full year of blogging. We hope to look back and be able to say the same thoughts each year of how we have been blessed by our internet friends, and how much the Lord has blessed us by our blog!

Soli Deo Gloria! Forever and ever, shalom!

Cassie & Rebekah


CREDITS: PHOTOGRAPHY, younger sisters- Emma & Mel AUTHORS: Cassie & Rebekah


  1. Happy Birthday to your blog! So happy to have found you lovely ladies through the internet!

  2. Wonderful blog, loving reading it!!
    God bless(:
    -Hannah Sue

    *check my blog out, Little Iowan family*

  3. Congratulations!!! That's so exciting for you both. :) I loved reading about how blogging has impacted you.
    I look forward to another year of your blog posts!
    ps. Lovely outfits, by the way! I love the colors-you two complement each other. :)

  4. Congratulations Girls! Truly the Lord is owed all the Glory. We too are amazed at the Lord's hand in our blog, and just our lives in general. SO many wonderful friendships and events have taken place from our little corner of the web, and the stories God has woven through it.

    May God continue to bless you in your coming year of blogging.

    the Middle Sister and Singer

  5. I just found your blog, and I love it! Thank you so much for creating such a God honoring blog!


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