Monday, January 5, 2015

Peek in the Past Pt.1 // 1932 Sears & Roebuck // Lady's Dresses

Happy Monday all! Boy, I've got something fabulous to share with all my vintage loving friends today! My Mother found me a simply wonderful gift and I'm bursting to get started with showing it to y'all. What tis it to be exact? Why it's a Sears and Roebuck catalog, straight from 1932! After only looking through a few of it's worn browned pages (and it's part sections of full on colored ones!!!) I excitedly posted a photo (with a few other treasures I had received) on a social media site, and once I got some requests to "make sure to share that on the Blog", I knew I'd have to bring y'all with me, for a peek into the past.

Okay! So, as I begin sharing from the beginning of this dear catalog, I'm going to start with ladies' and girls' fashion. From everyday frocks to evening wear, hair accessories, to hats. Since the catalog has a few items with other listings (not particularly in share friendly order) I'll do my best not to make any doubles show up/two weeks in a row, of similar items- that will keep it interesting for the lot of us!

Just so y'all will know the lay-out; I'll give a full on view of the page/pages, then a few close ups of items of interest such as a slogan, the outfits that are styled, price range chart, etc. And each time you see a series of dashes (-----) just imagine your favorite childhood chime that you remember hearing as a tape or record reminded you to flip the page as the reader continued to tell the tale. :)

Okay, are we set? We'll have to begin with page five since the few before, along with the imaginable fabulous cover have been left behind, Heaven only knows where. *sigh* Anywoo, the page that has acted as so called cover, has stood up quite the fight and managed quite well it seems, keeping the pages beneath well protected. It features five dresses, each one progressing into something else a little bit more dressy than the last. With exception of the smaller one pictured of-course. Style "F" priced at $4.74 , would have to be my personal favorite from this selection. I just love that lop-sided neckline look! :)



Pages 6 & 7.  Here we go!  The first page has now turned! :) As you can see, there is wear on the "cover" page  (left page above) enough that there are holes in the middle of it. I promptly supported her by putting my 1907 Sears and Roebuck reprint underneath, which explains the little colored blotches that seep through the image. It worked quite well, anyway!

We again have a few more choices following suit from the page (pages) before. I must admit that the casual Style "B", on second from left draws my eye. Also, Style "L' (fourth on the right page)  because of the more daring caped shoulders and slightly hugged hips.


 Pages 8 & 9. Ahh. My favorite of today's clippings is pictured here girls. Can you take a guess at which one?  Tis Style "I" (furthest right) that makes me faint at heart. I suppose it is a little less dressy again, but the unique attachment of bodice to skirt reminiscences of the decade before it with such favoritism that I can't help myself! The darling cross-bodied collar is an adorable contrast and icing on the cake. Oh my, I do adore it so...


Pages 10 & 11. Here I made quite the mistake in somehow only taking just one photo of these two pages! Oh bother! I'm quite sorry for this happening and promise to not let it not happen again!
Commentary on these pages? Well, Styles "F" & "G" (styles on either side of the binding) stand out for obvious reasons, unique bodices along with the bias sewn seams that slim out the hips, especially in Style "G". The little slogans also are quite striking and smart as well. :)

 Pages 12 & 13.  What a great selection, eh? I especially appreciate seeing each of the little "reminders" that their prices were down low. :) Holding something that was from such a delicate era of depression certainly makes you wonder about the average person who'd flip through it's pages trying to select an item that would fit it's need and their pocket book at the same time.

Favorite this time around? Yeah, I'm gonna hav'ta say that Style "G" (first on page right) with the polka-dotted collar. That double contrast collar speaks of the time too fluently for me to bypass it. :)

That's all for today! Thanks so much girls, for taking a peek into some fabulous past time fun! ;) Please do make sure to tell me your favorite shots. And, if you come across an idea that would make this all the more fun, make sure to voice those as well!

Which was your favorite dress?
Do you have any ideas for the future posts to be better? More photos, close-ups of, scans or pictures? Commentary or none?
What would you love to see up next? Hats, PJ's, shoes, junior's?

Ta-ta, dearies!

the Elder Sister 


  1. This is so fun! 1930's style have such a gracefulness to them. I like Style "D" on page 6, Style "E" on page 5, and style "H" on page 11. :)

  2. Oh you did this so well Cassie! It was so enjoyable to read. I have quite a few favorites, that I am going to have to replicate at least one of, since I received a reprint of a 1930's Dress Cutting book for Christmas. My favorites would be: Styles E & F on page 5, Style D on page 6 (dying over that cowl neck...) and styles C & F on page 12. I am going to have to pin these to some of my Pinterest boards for sewing inspiration in the coming year.


    the Middle Sister and Singer

  3. Hair care routine? Like that one person suggested? : D
    Hannah Lanee Greenfield xoxoxoxo

  4. Not only are the styles of the dresses beautiful, but I love the grace in the illustrations themselves. Thanks for sharing!

  5. All of them! No favorites! Great idea, Cassie! Where did your mom find the catalog?

    1. Hi again Tori! My Mom found it while at an Estate Sale (with Aunt Wendy actually!). I was super excited to receive it! Check back in next week for Pt. 2!



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