Hello everyone! Off posting day I know. ;) I thought it had been a while since I'd shared some down to earth tips for dressing for a certain occasion while staying modest yet not frumpy. The items I donned to not only attend a wedding this past Sabbath, but also serve at, I thought the perfect combo to skip over that rut with.

Months ago we were asked as a family if we could assist at an acquaintance's of ours daughter's wedding. Our responsibilities would be preparing most of the food for the 150 guests, keeping the buffet table filled, serving the head table, and of course cleanup. We took up the offer and started preparing for the special day. (To newer readers, this may sound a bit crazy; cooking for so many people, but we've done this countless times and actually have an unofficial catering business on the side as our Mom as head chef.)
One other thing we were asked to do is wear the regular black and white colors that you are used to seeing servers wear. I was a bit setback I must admit because after all, it's not a wedding you get to dress-up for everyday. I knew I needed to quit my silly squabbles and let the bride have her day to the most she wanted, be that me wearing what I wanted or not. :P
I really didn't plan my outfit out till Thursday of last week or so, before Saturday came. I'd wanted to make a dress for the occasion, and not being able to do so (or having little reason to) made me kinda loose inspiration for what to actually don till I began running out of time.
One day last week, a newer thrift store nearby had all their clothing, purses, belts, and shoes marked down to the grand amount of 97 cents! What a grand haul I went out with! One of which items being this fabulous full skirt made up of nylon over and silk under skirts. With the dress code being what it was, it was perfect for the wedding!
Next in line I had to decide on something white for up top. Hmm, how glad I was when I pulled out this crop top (yes, its a crop top!) that my Mom thrifted a few weeks back for me. It was effortlessly elegant and would be an easy choice for the presumably long day. Now since this is a crop top (only the under part is cropped) I simply tucked that part into my skirt leaving the lace to drape over. I then just added a coordinating cardigan and was off! :)

Its also been a bit since I've talked a hair style with you. For this grand occasion, Anne of Green Gables was written all over it. From the wild flower bouquets, white lawn chairs, hand fans for the guests, pink lemonade... Right up to the bride's dress, which mimicked Anne's so well I thought I'd faint. Haha! The whole day was just so beautiful and reminded me so much of that beloved series.
Since I knew that my attire was slightly off the charts for attending a wedding in, I decided I needed to add something a bit dramatic (go figure) for my hair style, yet that would stay throughout the day. I washed my locks, letting them dry half way, then grabbed my basket of old stripped up socks and commenced rolling and tying, rolling and tying, till my head was covered and my arms quite ached.
Once morning came I put appetizer platters together cleaned the kitchen up and packed the van before the unrolling. ;) Once I was to that point and each curl unwound, I loosened up the curls a bit and began by taking sections back from all around my hair line, turning/twisting each section just a bit and pinning down to get a better hold as well as the Gibson girl look I was aiming for. Once that complete I just wrapped the remaining length a bit and set it in place with a set of Lilla Rose You-Pins (in style Tiara). Then grabbed a few coordinating bobby pins, put together by yours truly, stuck them in-between some front curls and headed out to face the day ahead. :)

The day turned out so splendidly! How surprisingly fun it was to "strike the set" and commence filling all the passenger vans that had brought the families that attended with the this and that we'd needed. We literally had everything sorted, repacked, and loaded within an hour's time. Am I the only one who enjoys getting work done efficiently and quickly with people who actually know how to work?! Haha! Its simply the best. :P
Once home for a bit, Bek and I headed over to a neighbor's house whose animals she'd been watching for the weekend. Their home is just down the swamp-iness from ours. Their back yard though is more pond and river like than our mud puddles and creek-iness. ;) And since I'd shed my shoes early that morning and Bekah had already changed, the swampy scenery turned out quite a treat to do a photo shoot at!

Rebekah did such a grand job of capturing these photos! Despite the tiredness of the day, darkness setting in, the fact that I was wearing both black & white (the hardest colors to photograph with just our "simple" iPhone without glares and odd highlighting), and the how dreadfully awful the mosquitoes were; they turned out so different, misty, and dreamy. :)

Shoes- thrifted, $3 // Slip- me made // Skirt- thrifted, $1 // Shirt- thrifted, $4 // Cadi- J-Jill; Goodwill, $4 // You-Pins- Lilla Rose // Bobbies- me made // Earrings, Vintage; thrifted $2 ?
What would you style for such an event?
Have you ever served a formal dinner before?
Do you have bad mosquitoes where you live?
Bind my wondering heart to Thee,
the elder sister
Oh my your hair Cassie!! It is always done up in such a stunning way:) I can't believe the wedding was a slight Anne of Green Gables theme!! Well...actually I can it is just extra exciting because my post today on my blog was Anne inspired and oh how lovely would an Anne of Green Gables inspired wedding be??? Sounds absolutely wonderful. Totally love how you made the what would normally seen drab black and white attire, become so elegant and totally befitting a wedding....one must always take on the excuse to get dressed up when attending one:)
ReplyDeleteAnd the scenery....!!!!!!!!
Yup, mosquitoes very bad, bats and swallows good. I like using a battery powered electric racket while in the garden to zap them good, great fun but I don't get much else done. :) Blessings (T)
ReplyDeleteThis outfit oddly reminds me of Anne from Anne of Green Gables when she is older! You are so pretty and the outfit is beautiful! <3
Hey, love the entire outfit, Cass! You always do such a marvelous job picking out the clothes that you wear. And there are no bad mosquitoes around where I live, but there are a couple bees and wasps that I really don't like. :)
ReplyDeleteExcellent post! Keep up the good work my friend.
I love black and white! You totally cute :)
Your outfit is delightful Cassie! I love your lace top, and your earrings are simply lovely!
the Middle Sister and Singer