Thursday, July 21, 2016

Third Year of Blogging, Here We Come!

Third Year of Blogging, Here We Come!
Three whole years! Thats right! Can you believe it y'all?! It's hard to believe how quickly the time has passed since that one afternoon Mom helped us launch our little corner here on the web. But its true, and I couldn't be more excited for this next year ahead!

Third Year of Blogging, Here We Come!
Third Year of Blogging, Here We Come!
This year seems like a 'gap year' of sorts for the blog to me. Bek hasn't been writing here as frequently, and life has been busier since I've gotten my driver's license and have been able to work more easily for people. My time is more occupied now, so the Monday, Wednesday, Friday regular posting days have fallen to the wayside.

Among life's business, this past year for me personally has been quite hard actually. I haven't written about each of my trials publicly here, but some of you who visit our blog regularly have been such a comfort to me as I went through all the phases I've had to face.

This blog has been such a peaceful place for me to just write about literally whatever, and knowing you readers support and actually take time to read about my life and what I find of interest amazes me still. At times I ask myself why I keep pressing on when my time is already so packed, or could be with other things!- but then I remember what satisfaction I get from the whole process and thats what makes me make it a priority still!

Third Year of Blogging, Here We Come!
Third Year of Blogging, Here We Come!
I mentioned excitement for this next coming year of blogging; I have great changes in the coming months ahead that have been long due! I'm SUPER excited for whats ahead and the new overall atmosphere I can't wait to present to you!

Many blessings,
the elder sister & writer  


  1. Congratulations on three years of blogging! :D You ladies look lovely. :) I shall keep you in my prayers.

  2. Congrats on your three years of blogging!! My family and I have recently started a blog, My mom found this blog for me and I really enjoy reading your posts. We live in Michigan too:) - Riley

  3. Congratulations, Rebekah, and Cassie!!! It's really been 3 years?!!


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