Hi all! Hope that you've had a great weekend! Today is going to be fabulous for those of you who have been enjoying Peek in the Past these last two weeks that I've started it up because I'm here to share something that is quite it's twin. A couple weeks back, Brigid Boyer (from the Boyer family Singers Blog) and I were talking over Instagram about our beloved vintage magazines, booklets, and catalogs. The conversation quickly evolved from, "I wish I could have a look at what you've got!" into "Let's share them on our blogs so all can enjoy, how 'bout it?" (Of course, what would one expect from two passionate vintage lovers?) ;) After setting a date to both publish on/getting the okay from all our sisters involved, we were set. Oh we're excited!
So we were set! We are each sharing our favorites from magazines from the past beloved eras that we have come across in our travels to add to our little collections of vintage pass times. Oh how fun, eh? I'm going to start with the first few pages that contain ads for finishing schools and schooling etc. from my copy of a 1928 Delineator. Then move forward with more ads veered toward household, children and woman's fashion.... Oh it will be fun!

I thought it quite neat to see a photograph of the cover of the magazine that you would have been receiving next month had you been a subscriber. Look at how the fonts differ from each other, yet stay true to their era. When you pay heed to fonts, alinements, and graphics from things that are easy to find a date on, you can better understand the years past and make better guesses on things that one may wonder about had they not been dated. It is one of us girls' favorite things to do, guessing dates, when we go out to an antique show or estate sale, there is so much to gather from!

This issue seemed to have a lot of toothpaste and gum care announcements, including how to eat better to promote a healthy mouth. Do not neglect a tell-tale tinge of "pink" that may appear upon your morning tooth brush! Do something about it! For it is a sign and symptom that something is amiss with your gums. It is a definite warming that your teeth - though may seem sound as a dollar and be as white as snow - are faced with some degree of danger.

Just take a look at all those dramatic health care ads! Ha ha! one of my favorites from this issue is the Lysol one above. Oh my goodness! Take a sec to read that caption I zoomed in on above.
Oh, and this adorable ad for Proctor & Gamble describing the reality of every house Mother. "Here's something new, thought Bobby...and another romper was ready for the wash!"

The evaporated milk article was interesting to see. It seems as though they thought it much safer to use milk in this form than raw. Pure, fresh milk, concentrated, homogenized and sterilized as safe as if there were not a germ in the universe is now available for everybody, in every city, town and village in America.
I was sure to include the Singer sewing machine advertisement. The closeups are shown above, but at the very end of this post I also have a full view of it's contents. The tale of a mother wanting to prepare her children's school clothing is fabulously illustrated in the little side ad. Long before September you must be planning all their needs. Dresses, bloomers, underthings, a new coat for a lengthening young lady - blouses and pants for a sturdy little man. Oh, yes, you have thought of buying them ready made. But the dollars mount as you calculate the cost. There is a way to have them - a better, happier, less expensive way.

Ah! I just have to add a quick note before you view the fashions that are neatly in order for your liking, you wouldn't expect any less now would you? :) For those of you who have been following my Peek in the Past posts, I would like you to take note of a few things while gazing over the next few photos because of how clothing (especially for woman) changed from the sort period over 1928-1932. I have stressed how the waistline was beginning sit again at the waist in posts sharing the Sears & Roebuck catalog, yet still imitated the decade past (which being the 20's) with decorative piping, contrast top stitching, snug hips, etc. below the waistline. With that in mind, now you can better compare with I have mentioned, with each of the styles you have now seen.
So now look onward! Swags of fabric samples, shoe & hosiery ads, drop-waisted dresses, and snugly fitting hats awaits you!

And here I must bit you farewell! I'll leave you with a collage (above) of my favorites from this dear old magazine. The Arch Preserver Shoe ad is just so neat to me. Just as I talked about fonts and graphics of said era inspiring their time periods, this one just fits the bill so well. And next to it is the complete ad for the portable electric Singer sewing machine that I promised. The darling picture of the Mum sending her children off to the first day of that school year is so neat to see, because it is much like the reality ads that we see today, yet as we look back on it, we find a warm charming homey feel, just as the mother would have for her children, instead of glancing over it like some may have then and most do now.

This is the full view of front and back covers. Oh how much I love that back cover illustration describing the wonders of Chipso! When a tubful of clothes stares up at you, have you ever wished they would wash themselves? Of course, they can't quite do that - but almost! Do you realize that Chipso soaks clothes clean?
Ta-ta! Don't forget to have a peek at Brigid's end of the deal! You can skip on over to her post by simply clicking HERE. She will be sharing a Harper's Bazaar from '57 so don't miss out! If you would like to see more articles from this Delineator copy, such as stories written by Edith Wharton (I could even type them up for easier reading), please let me know as Brigid and I talked of doing this again in the future. We each have more magazines from eras we know you girls enjoy learning about so- request a time period and we'll see what we can do!
Did you have a favorite ad?
20's or 30's?
Your friend,
the Elder of the Two
Came over here from The Boyer Family Singers; I love old magazines and collect them extensively. This is fabulous! I love the "Figured Fabrics for Fall" page. :D
ReplyDeleteThis is such a fun glimpse into the past. I liked seeing the Singer sewing machine. My grandmother (born in 1926) had one almost identical. I don't know if hers was passed down from an older relative or not. Looking forward to seeing some more vintage magazines. :)
ReplyDeleteOh Cassie! This was so much fun! I have only just now been able to read the full post as life caught up with me yesterday afternoon. I am really going to have to come back and look in further detail at the fabric descriptions. That sort of stuff fascinates me to no end, so a million thanks for sharing an up close picture!
ReplyDeleteI can't wait for next time. I'll try and email you before the week is out to figure out what we'll do next. :)
the Middle Sister and Singer