Thursday, July 10, 2014

Just Peachy!

Hi everybody! I haven't posted an outfit in a while because, unfortunately, I have other responsibilities besides blogging. The most urgent being accomplishing schoolwork, taking care of 4 newly hatched ducklings and a runaway pony, keeping my barns clean and as "un-smelly" as possible in the summer heat, and, there's always that confounded thing we call sleeping!  :-)  

For some reason, it has been harder to get back into blogging after our mission trip than I expected. Not that I'm going to stop, it just took a while to get back into the swing of things! For instance, I'm finally posting a new photo-a-day tomorrow! Anyway, let's get on with this post!

Sorry for the half-cut-off head pictures, Cassie took these last minute for me so we were in a hurry. And the sun was shining in her eyes! :-P
I wore this to a homeschool book sale last month. Or maybe it was last last month.
While we were there we met one of our readers! [Hi Tori!] It turns out our Mom knows her Mom and we know her Mom but somehow we had never met!

 I bought this denim jacket at a yard sale (for $5) a few days before and thought it would help tone down lace skirt...

 I also got this purse at a yard sale (for $2) as well and I actually picked my shoes out to match it!

 You may recognize these as Cassie's shoes, and you'd be right!

It turned out to be a well traveled purse! Here our friend Sara borrowed it on our tour day in Lithuania! We were at the castle and Sara volunteered to take pictures for some fellow tourists because her Mom has the same model camera! Her Mom is a photographer as well! :-)

 I did my hair in a plain ponytail since it still had some pretty second-day curls.

I was going to make this a funk+fab post but I'm afraid I haven't had many funky things happen lately! [That I remember anyway!] Don't worry though! A funk+fab is coming soon to a blog near you... with a guest outfit post!  Sara VanKampen will be the guest, and she'll be featuring the outfit she wore on Independence Day weekend!  It's just darling, and not your every-day red, white, and blue! I'm excited to present it to y'all! Be prepared for a slight photo overload, we had too much fun taking pictures on the beautiful farm where we work!

Are you ever just too busy?
Do you have a certain item you like to bring with when you travel?
Now I'm off to check on our darling Pekin/Indian Runner ducklings and feed Shasta, a temporary resident in our in our goat barn.
Thanks for reading and don't forget to submit your outfits for our FFFS blog party!

~~Calico Sister #2~~


  1. Oh, I love that skirt! And I must add, you seem to be growing more beautiful every time I see you-both inside and out!

    1. Thanks so much for commenting Laura! You've brightened my day - er... night! ;-D

  2. Pretty outfit! Your skirt is beautimous. :) I know what you mean about being busy..I've been feeling a bit overwhelmed lately myself. Looking forward to future posts though!

    1. Thanks for commenting Paige! Hope your life settles down soon! ;-)

  3. Hi Rebekah!

    This is a comment on the photographs your friends mom took of you on your birthday–let me just say, I have never seen you more beautiful than in those very pictures! The black peasant top and plum skirt somehow seemed to make your face shine with feminine radiance!

    Much love to you!

    The eldest sister & singer

    1. Thanks so much Jessica darling! They were taken on my 15th birthday last year... ;-)

  4. Replies
    1. Thanks for commenting Natasha! And may I say a hearty congratulations on your engagement to Hank! I wondered when he was going to ask you! ;-)

  5. I love your outfit Rebekah! That skirt is just dreamy, and the purse is cute too. Jess and I just took our photos for the Fashion Show today, so hopefully we'll have them to you all SOON. Looking forward to it immensely!!!

    the Middle Sister and Singer

  6. Sounds like you're busy, Rebekah! I'm not! I'm sick!


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