Friday, January 9, 2015

Photo a Day // January // Week 1

 Photo a Day Banners
 With the new year just at it's dawn, we wanted to bring something back that you have so enjoyed here on the Blog in the past. That is, our Photo a Day series, in which we share a photo representing said day's activity or accomplishments. As we finally begin to get snowed in here in West MI, we hope you will find comfort in our day to day events. And maybe, just maybe take up a few minutes as you try to pass the time this cold and somewhat somber season.

(Last) Friday: Our snow arrival.
Saturday: Cozy comfort reading.
Sunday: I spent some afternoon time on a little sewing project for a new baby cousin. I make a couple of these bibs (pattern drafted by Mom) each time a new one comes along.
Monday: Designated laundry day.
Tuesday: Us four sisters held down the fort and did a few fun crafts together. Shrinky-dinks eh?
Wednesday: Rebekah, late night blogging after school.
Thursday: Mum reading Hans Brinker to the adorables before bed.

Have a very blessed weekend everyone! We're off to our shopping day, so I'd best get bundled up! Hopefully I can put something together that is not too lumpy-dumpy, but can still fight our below zero degree weather. ;)

What is your laundry day?
Have you ever read Hans Brinker?
How much snow is, or has it snowed, by you?

Stay warm darlings!

the Elder Sister & Writer


  1. Love the bibs! I usually do baby blankets for a new baby! So sweet!

    1. Hi Tori! Hope you are well dear!

      That sounds wonderful! I have made blankets in addition to the bibs before too, in some cases- matching. :) I would love to see your work sometime! It would be great to get together with you in the feature! I think the last time we met/saw you was at the Homeschool Building back in June! Far too long ago! :)

      Fondly and with love,
      the elder one

  2. So glad you're doing Photo a Day again, too! :)

  3. Amazing photos! Sadly, it doesn't snow in my country. Have take a look at my site? Let me know if you did. Hope you can follow my blog.

    my blog

  4. How did you manage to get those candle holders? I would love to find something like them; it seems so lovely and old fashioned.



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