Hello everyone! I hope your Monday hasn't been too hectic because you know how they can be at times! I'm here to do a quick recap for y'all. I love seeing what my blogger friends are up to in their day to day lives, family life, and travels, so I thought, why not share about the last time we traveled with our Dutch Heritage Live group for you all to see?

The weekend right after the Civil War muster, our calendar was marked up to take another trip over to Illinois with DHL. The town was having an annual special event that included vendors, fresh foods, live music, and a short parade through the square. This being only our second year coming of joining the Dutch Heritage cast, it was pretty nice to see for ourselves the event and area that we'd heard so much about from the other families involved as they'd gone years prior to this same event.
The drive was nice even if we did have to head out at 6am our time! It was so peaceful really and we were able to nap until we arrived at about 9:30am. All except our chauffeur of course. Thanks Dad. ;)

The setup as you drove in was so pretty compared to other events we've seen like this. The little store front like booths looked so cheerful and bright; quite welcoming to say the least!

Further past the vending and demonstration area were covered walk ways with MUCH food to be bought. The way the buying worked is one would buy a set amount of tickets; each representing a dollar's worth of money, and then one would just pay with those instead of "green". Interesting and smart, no?
The photo directly above is the only photo I have of the stage. This is where our main performance took place (we also danced and did some story telling in the main square which is shown further down) along with a few other acts. The choir/band that is pictured was super amazing and so. much. fun. to watch and listen to. They sang songs of old with such passion and confidence one could not help but to join right in with a hum or clap.

As I've just stated, we also danced our short dances, sang a bit more, and had a few old Ducth stories told in the main area after our show. I know! Such a shame that we have not one photo of our on stage performance! But what's one to do when you're constantly checking the show script and getting ready for the next part? Run off and take a picture? I should say impossible! Haha! So I suppose these of our later short performances with have to suffice!

Despite only having one long rehearsal the week prior (we had a four hour practice the night of setup for the Civil War reenactment weekend) everything went fairly well! All this is now really starting to settle in for all of us as a family. Since we basically know each part of the show, all one really have to "learn" is the different line up each time along with stage entrances and exits (i.e. exit stage right or stage left etc).
The weather was quite perfect, especially comparing to our last trip that had us out in 95F with the humidity in the 90's! We'll take 70's any day over that for sure!

It was such a fun time. We're so blessed to be part of this group of fine people as we share some of our own history of past generations and what their lives looked like!
for the S. girls
Wow, that looks so neat! Sounds like a great event!